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Herd of the Year Sweden 2024 – Arbelunda Sörgård

Arbelunda Sörgård's long-term commitment to breeding earned them the 2024 VikingGenetics Sweden Herd of the Year award. This recognises the farm's hard work, excellent management, and top-of-the-line genetics.

Arbelunda Sörgård, in Köpingsvik, Öland, Central Sweden, and owned by Kerstin Persson and Göran Berg since 1992, has always been at the forefront of cattle breeding. Kerstin and Göran have a burning passion for breeding, and they embrace new advice and innovative techniques. This helps them keep a healthy, high-production herd of VikingRed and VikingHolstein cows averaging over 26,455 lbs ECM, 4.4% fat, 3.9% protein, and low cell counts.

Göran is the fifth generation to run the farm after he took over the operation from his father when he was 19, while Kerstin is a seventh-generation dairy farmer who bought her uncle's farm at a young age. In 1992, the farms and herds merged; however, the old farms’ cow families still live on through the cows Docka, from Göran's farm, and Krona from Kerstin's.

During Växa Sverige’s round of district meetings in January 2025, Arbelunda was presented with the 2024 VikingGenetics Sweden Herd of the Year award. The award recognises the farm's long-term commitment to breeding innovation, distinguished quality standards, excellent management, and top-of-the-line genetics.

“The Herd of the Year award is for all of us on the farm. We have very dedicated employees who take on a lot of responsibility,” says Kerstin with a lot of pride. “Being a dairy farmer is hard but very rewarding work, and to receive this award after many years of work is especially gratifying, she adds.

At the forefront of breeding

Systematic genomic testing of all heifers and recruiting only females with the highest breeding value keep the farm’s breeding strategy on course, where high NTM and high yield indices are key.

To keep replacement rates low, the farm has a strict policy of only breeding animals with the highest NTM values and high yield indices. These are inseminated with X-Vik sexed semen, and those with poorer breeding values are served with VikingBeef semen.

Kerstin and Göran's daughter Matilda is responsible for the breeding work and collaborates with Lotta Gunham, breeding advisor at Växa, who makes breeding plans with the newest top bulls and classifies all the females for conformation.

“We have very skilled breeding advisors who help us when we want to try something new,” says Kirsten, when asked about her collaboration with VikingGenetics and Växa.

To succeed in breeding, you must be good at many other things too. We really focus on giving the calves the best start in life.

Kerstin Persson,
Owner, Arbelunda Sörgård

Famous bulls and excellent heifers

Arbelunda has collaborated with VikingGenetics for over 20 years, greatly contributing to Nordic breeding and becoming an example of breeding excellence. Among the farm's most famous older bulls are:

  • 2385 A Linné
  • 2112 Arbelunda 
  • 2302 Arbelunda

The farm has sold several bull calves to VikingGenetics, including VR Arbel (+17 NTM, VR Abin x VR Toffee) and VR Haken (+31 NTM, VR HavcarP x VR Triad), a new young bull with an interesting profile who just began production. Embryo work on the farm is also important, as Arbelunda has had six heifers with flushing contracts in the past three years.

“To succeed in breeding, you must be good at many other things too. We really focus on giving the calves the best start in life,” explains Kerstin. “Göran and I have to thank the cows for a lot,” she adds highlighting how if you look after your cows, they will look after your farm’s economy.

Arbelunda’s great passion for breeding and excellent management make them well-deserved recipients of the Herd of the Year award and a fine example of successful Swedish and Nordic milk production.

Arbelunda's top genetics

Nora Prästgård daughter

Nora Prästgård daughter

Cow No. SE-31599-1307

Discover VikingRed
VR Arbel

VR Arbel

VR Abin x VR Toffee

See the bull profile

Farm facts

Owned by Göran Berg and Kerstin Persson

Team: 2 full-time employees and one part-time

 Milking 155 VikingRed and VikingHolstein cows

Total animals on the farm: 500

Milk production: 26455 lbs ECM

Fat: 4.4%, 1089 lbs

Protein: 3.9%, 964 lbs

Milking system: 2 DeLaval robots

Area: 235 ha arable and 160 ha natural pasture

Objectives: trouble-free production, with lots of milk and healthy animals

All bull calves are kept on the farm as steers.

Fun fact: Arbelunda also has special guest accommodation, where tourists can stay and be shown around the farm and the animals. The Arbelunda team wants to educate more people about how farming works, how complex modern milk production is, and the work it demands.

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