What is NTM?
We are always talking about NTM, Nordic Total Merit index. But what is NTM? What does it mean? What makes NTM one of the most progressive breeding value systems in the world?
NTM is a combined index of different genetic traits that are heritable through mating bulls with cows. The purpose, of course, is to develop the cattle’s ‘genetic capital’ to achieve higher profitability and functionality of the herd by breeding new generations of cows with higher capability e.g. for milk production and resistance to diseases.
90 different sub-indices are combined into 15 main traits. That makes NTM the most complete total merit index in the world. A balanced breeding between production and health is what you get.
Traits included in NTM
Health & Reproduction traits
- Udder health
- Daughter fertility
- General health
- Hoof health
- Calving (direct & maternal)
- Youngstock survival
- Longevity
Production & Efficiency traits
- Production index
- Milk kg
- Protein kg
- Fat kg
- Growth
- Saved feed
Conformation & workability traits
- Udder conformation
- Feet & legs
- Milkability
- Temperament