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Herd of the Year Finland 2024 – Maitotiimi Ay

Maitotiimi Ay exemplifies what passion for breeding and a focus on excellence can achieve. Their top genetics, embryo initiatives, and exceptional milk production earned them the VikingGenetics 2024 Herd of the Year in Finland award.

The 2024 VikingGenetics Herd of the Year award for Finland was given to Maitotiimi Ay at the Hollola Breeding Day celebrations last October. The award recognises the herd’s contributions to VikingGenetics’ breeding programmes and collaboration with Faba osk.

Maitotiimi ay was founded in 2010 from the fusion of two farms and is owned by Päivi and Jari Kaijansinkko and Iida and Tero Taipale. Together, they milk a 252-cow herd of mostly VikingRed and some VikingHolstein, averaging 22,869 lbs of milk with 4.7% fat and 3.8% protein across a 305-day lactation – 25,576 lbs of energy-corrected milk (ECM).

Maitotiimi Ay is an example of what staying committed to your breeding goal and focusing on excellence can achieve. Systematic genomic testing, a detailed breeding plan and goals, and significant involvement in the VikingEmbryo setup since 2019 have been key to their successes.

After Maitotiimi was founded, a new, more modern free-stall barn was constructed to house the cows and the 2x12 rear milking parlour. The two previous farms had older barns, so new ones would have been needed either way.

The Maitotiimi team shares the workload of feeding, fieldwork, milking, and breeding, a solution that satisfies everyone as time off can be better arranged. Three people on the farm do DIY inseminations, while the municipal veterinarian does pregnancy screenings and other checks and treatments on-site. 

On the feeding side, Maitotiimi ay provides their milking cows with a Total Mixed Ration (TMR) of silage, minerals, rapeseed, barley, oats, and wheat once a day, with three different diets according to the cows’ production. There is also a different recipe for dry cows and heifers, who are housed in their own space in the heifer barn. 

VIkingGenetics Herd of the Year Finland 2024 Maitotiimi Ay

Methodical, reliable breeding

VikingRed is Maitotimii’s primary breed. However, any VikingHolstein cows that fit their breeding goals can stay in the herd, though the proportion of Holsteins is not meant to increase.

The herd’s breeding goal aims to increase fat and protein levels without affecting milk production. The cows must be medium-sized, with good feet and legs, and have a functional conformation that fits the milking parlour.

All heifer calves are genome-tested using tissue-sampling ear tags. This provides the Maitotiimi team with reliable data on their herd’s genetic level and defines the best animals to use as replacements in their breeding plan, which divides them into three groups:

  • 1/3 to be inseminated with VikingRed bulls
  • 1/3 to receive embryos
  • The rest to be served with beef semen. 

To supplement this, Leea Kunttu, the farm’s Faba Breeding Advisor, visits every three months to review the bull list and evaluate the conformation of the first and second-calving cows. Leea is very happy that VikingRed is the dominant breed on the farm, saying: “VikingRed is a functional, well-rounded breed that fits all the needs of the modern dairy business.”

VIkingGenetics Herd of the Year Finland 2024 Maitotiimi Ay

Top bulls and premium livestock

VikingGenetics has purchased 11 bulls from Maitotiimi ay, eight of which come from embryos. The latest of these bulls is the result of the farm’s own breeding. VR Humid is one of the most popular bulls currently available on our global export list. Among the other bulls, some highlights are VR Huurre, VR Urlaub, VR Umido, VR Vacay P, VR Halla, and VR Fosca P.

The Kaijansinkko and Taipales also actively buy and sell livestock. Many of their heifers are sold to other herds across Finland through Faba's livestock brokerage.

Click below to watch a video of VR Humid.

Diligent embryo work

Since its founding in 2010, Maitotiimi has greatly emphasised embryo work, making 110 embryo transfers per year and having a pregnancy rate of approximately 40%. ETs are carried out by Merja Karhu, an AI Technician at Faba.

Since 2017, the farm team has diligently conducted flushings under VikingEmbryo flushing contracts, with seven already completed and more planned.

Maitotiimi always sells heifers for the Hollola station when asked – regardless of whether they were born from their own breeding or an embryo contract. The heifers are selected based on their NTM value and transferred to a larger group simultaneously, but no oestrous synchronisation is done.

In total, VikingGenetics has purchased ten heifers for embryo production – six bred by Maitotiimi and four from contract embryos. "VikingGenetics pays an excellent price,” says Tero Taipale, highlighting his satisfaction with his collaboration with VikingGenetics.

VIkingGenetics Herd of the Year Finland 2024 Maitotiimi Ay

Farm facts

  • 252 milking cows – mostly VikingRed and some VikingHolstein
  • 2x12 side-by-side milking parlour
  • Milk production: 25,574 lbs ECM
  • Fat: 1076 lbs (4.7%)
  • Protein: 869 lbs (3.8%)
  • Breeders of 11 VikingGenetics bulls – including VR Humid
  • 110 ETs per year; pregnancy rate: 40%
Learn more about VikingRed
VIkingGenetics Herd of the Year Finland 2024 Maitotiimi Ay

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