VH Newyear
gNTM +33
(VH Nader x VH Bahrain x VH Blush)
Do you want to achieve better milk solids levels and have robot-friendly cows? VH Newyear will help you with this.
VH Newyear is the highest-ranking VH Nader son. He has an exceptional yield index with outstanding levels of solids. VH Newyear breeds medium-sized cows with balanced udders and very good feet and legs, making them exceptionally suited for automatic milking systems.
VH Newyear has a solid health profile with positive numbers across the board. His daughters will be easy-to-manage cows with a lovely temperament and high milkability.
Choose VH Newyear for:
- Exceptional levels of solids
- Good health and easy management
- Robot-friendly cows
VH Newyear’s dam is now at the start of her third lactation, with an average production of 11,700 kg of milk with 3.7 % fat and 4.0 % protein. She currently produces 58 kg of milk per day.
VH Newyear comes from Jens Jørgen Andersen’s herd in Denmark.
Beta casein: A2A2 Kappa casein: BB