gNTM +36
(Nippon P x Dream P RC x MegaWattRC)
If your goal is to improve health and solids production in your herd, then VH NiraPRC is the bull for you.
His daughters will have excellent fertility, udder health, and easy calvings. VH NiraPRC improves the levels of solids in the milk. His high yield index is a testament to this trait. VH NiraPRC breeds slightly smaller cows with strong feet and legs. The udders will be shallow with strong fore udder attachment.
VH NiraPRC gives you feed-efficient cows with good longevity. As a bonus, he is heterozygous polled, meaning that 50 % of his offspring will be polled when used on horned females.
Use VH NiraPRC if you are looking for:
- Healthy, long-lasting cows
- High levels of solids
- Strong feet and legs
The dam of VH NiraPRC is a Nippon P daughter from Germany. She has finished her first 305-day lactation and produced 9,500 kg of milk with 4.25 % fat and 3.70 % protein. She's classified as VG85. VH NiraPRC originates from the herd of Fritz Giesmann, Germany.
Beta casein: A2A2 Kappa casein: BB