15 years of experience with ProCROSS
Ben Andersen is a dairy farmer driven by profitability. With his family, he manages two dairy herds (Andersen Dairy & Seagull Bay Dairy) in Idaho, USA, for more than 2,200 milking cows, including 592 Holsteins and 1,679 ProCROSS cows.
The Holstein herd is well-known amongst pure Holstein breeders. Seagull Bay Dairy Inc. is well-known for Shauna, a famous Holstein All-American brood cow. She won the prize for Holstein International Cow of the Year in 2015. Shauna is also the dam of Holstein bull SuperSire – another celebrity for Pure Holstein dairymen – and GrandDam of Silver.
In 2002, Seagull Bay Dairy counted around 500 milking cows, with an average production of 40kg of milk per cow per day.
In 2003, they started to crossbreed in the second herd with different breeds. Following their visit to Oakdale, California, they introduced the VikingRed breed into their herd in 2005 and the Coopex Montbeliarde in 2006.
At that time, they took the decision to crossbreed 100% of the commercial herd. Afterward, they kept some Holstein cows to compare their performance with the ProCROSS herd.